Meeting of the Diabetes in pregnancy subgroup Guideline Development Group

29 – 30 April 2024
The World Health Organization (WHO), in its continuous endeavor to foster improvements in public health across the globe, is dedicated to ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages. Given the substantial role of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in contributing indirectly to maternal mortality worldwide, the intersection of pregnancy with conditions such as diabetes is increasingly recognized as a significant public health concern.Addressing the implications of NCDs during pregnancy is not only vital for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3.1, aimed at improving maternal health, but also aligns with the principles of gender equality, equity, and human rights. Acknowledging the growing burden of NCDs and their impact on pregnancy outcomes, there is an urgent need for guidelines that provide optimal, evidence-based care for pregnant women with NCDs. Existing guidelines, predominantly focusing on NCD management outside of pregnancy or on general obstetric care, do not adequately address the complexities of managing conditions such as diabetes during pregnancy. Furthermore, the guidance available for managing NCDs in pregnancy often targets higher resource settings, leaving a significant gap in knowledge and resources for healthcare workers and policymakers in low- and middle-income countries. These professionals are frequently faced with managing "higher-risk" pregnancies without adequate support, highlighting the necessity for accessible, evidence-based recommendations. In response to these challenges and the critical need for comprehensive guidelines, WHO is initiating the first meeting of the WHO – subgroup on Diabetes Management during Pregnancy Guideline Development Group (GDG). This group's formation marks a pivotal step towards developing globally relevant clinical recommendations for the management of diabetes during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period, initially starting with antenatal period.By focusing on this area, the WHO aims to ensure quality care for pregnant women with diabetes, thereby mitigating the risks associated with NCDs for both mothers and their children. This initiative represents WHO's commitment to advancing global health priorities, addressing the needs of populations at risk, and ensuring that healthcare practices are informed by the best available evidence. The formation of this guideline development group signifies an important effort to bridge the gap in care for pregnant women with diabetes, ultimately aiming to improve health outcomes and uphold the rights and well-being of women worldwide. WHO is convening the first meeting of this WHO subgroup on 29-30 April 2024. The objectives of this meeting are to:  
  1. Prioritize PICO questions for the development of recommendations 
  2. Identify topics for further discussions, technical meetings or research. 

This WHO normative meeting is by invitation only.